
Heey! I'm Pitchyy and I am from Europe, Greece. I've been playing Dragon Nest since 16 August 2011. I started in DN SEA 24 cap and continued in Europe after its release in 2013! I've always mained Acrobat, but having to choose between Windwalker and Tempest was hard for me back then. Eventually Tempest caught my eye, and I've mained that class exclusively and still love it to date!

I'm always up for some PvP and hope to see other players in the lobby! I also got a YouTube channel where I have a series of episodes teaching Tempest. It's for 95 cap, but still has various fundamental tips and similarities with PDN's Tempest.

These PvP guides are meant to be bite-sized and basic. If you want to add to them please feel free to message @snot#7451 on discord. Remember that PvP builds are customizable to your preferences. Experiment!

Skill Builds

Full Out Blacklist Build

Skill Crests

[Counter Ring Shot CDR] / [Chain Tumble CDR] / [Kick Shot DMG] / [Furious Winds Action Speed] / [Spirit Boost CDR] / [Air Pounce DMG] / [Somersault Dance DMG]

Skill up: +1 Kick Shot (you can use a costume weapon to +2 it as well) or Somersault Dance


For both builds, I use Skill Up Crest [Somersault Dance].  Level 16 hurts more, so why not. The alternative is to make [Somersault Dance] lvl.11 and [Kickshot] lvl.21 with the help of Skill Up Crest and a costume weapon, both with [Kickshot] +1. However, I generally don't prefer this, because it's less consistent. I prefer having a build where every skill hurts. Yes, [Cyclone Kick] is level 1 for the BL, more info below.

Softban/Blacklist Build

Skill Crests

[Counter Ring Shot CDR] / [Chain Tumble CDR] / [Kick Shot DMG] / [Furious Winds Action Speed] / [Twin Shot DMG] / [Air Pounce DMG] / [Somersault Dance DMG]

Skill up: +1 Kick Shot (you can use a costume weapon to +2 it as well) or Somersault Dance


For the BL build, the free 4k damage from [Twin Shot] is nice, combined with the Skill Plate for DMG. I won't be using [Untouchable] and [Hurricane Dance] in BL, so there's few SP from there for skills that I will be using for sure.

[Cyclone Kick] level 1. That's because there's not enough SP for it to be lv.11 but also because I mainly use [Cyclone Kick] to SA and SA break, when possible. It is also a high cooldown skill, compared to the others in the skill tree, which makes it less consistent too. The total DPS will be higher if [Cyclone Kick] is level 1 and used defensively, because once you catch your opponent with it, you get more DPS with the other skills. That of course presupposes that you are able to aim [Twin Shot] properly and spam it throughout the match. Or else 26 SP will be wasted on a skill you barely aim and use. In which case, [Cyclone Kick] is the better option.

Combo Practice

I'd like to also add this link which leads directly to a series of episodes of me teaching tempest on YouTube. It is for 95 cap but it still has various fundamentals and similarities! You can check it out here.