
This guide includes only the basics to the Gear Master class, with the skill build, crests, and rotation provided by Mr. Luigi#5099. If you're interested in expanding upon this guide, please reach out to me on discord at ImmortalVino#1239.

(If you're interested in learning other classes, check out or Class Guide Archive) - Vino

Skill Build

Unified Skills: Max HP Boost, Ulti CDR

Skill Crests

[Gigaton Quack Action Speed] / [Mechanic Chainsaw DMG] / [Summon Towers CDR] / [Mechanic Gatling Action Speed] / [Mechanic Ice Pump Action Speed] / [Extreme Tower CDR] / [Mechanic Cannon Action Speed]

Skill up: +1 Gigaton Quack or Extreme Towers (I mainly use Gigaton but it's up to you)
