Small patch for PvE, as we're still working hard on grinding out FDN HC. Roey's been busy too and has made a bunch of PvP changes that Salad forced him to do.

Upcoming Changes

Just a quick update on what's being worked on, since these are the reason why patches have been kinda small and spread out lately (we wish we could release banger patch after banger patch but these things take a lot of time and effort, on top of the constant bug fixing and making changes based on feedback).


  • Forest Dragon Hardcore. Please note that this is not Forest Dragon (Hard) from official, consider it more of a Vahrcore-lite
  • Autumn events (RDNVC Returns!)
  • Randgrid rework
  • Avalanche rework
  • Valkyrie rework
  • NEW Machina Spinoff class (Healer)
  • An undisclosed challenge raid designed by Chris (side content)
  • Solace of Oblivion Season 4 (including saving/resuming of runs, event portals, and more!)
  • Ranked BTG (low priority)
  • New talisman system (this requires a lot more design so we're not sure when this will come)
  • Treasure Nest / Brynhildr 8-man
  • New Berserk Nest/rework
  • Rune Dragon Vahrcore


  • New PvP maps
  • Existing PvP map beautification
  • Whatever else Roy cooks up in his dungeon


  • Guild revamp
  • Farms and Hot Springs
  • Undisclosed custom weapon gacha
  • New gestures...?


  • DirectX12-based renderer (lots of big code refactoring going on in the background to make this possible)
  • PDN Premium (mostly subscription management needs to be ironed out + actually implementing several of the premium-only features)
  • Tutorial/progression in-game guidance (quests, etc)

Note that this list is not exhaustive and subject to change (we can't tease everything we're cooking...)
If you have any questions or have feedback, feel free to post in the Discord!

PvE Content

  • Added Forest Dragon Nest Practice Mode (No drops or achievements, 50% HP and damage scaling)
  • Resetting (F1) in BTG and BTGEQ now additionally removes/kills all projectiles and summons (this includes fields like Consecration, Glacial Devastation, etc)

Treasure Nest

More adjustments because poopy ED stuff
  • Bonus buff in TN/BN changed from 50% AS/MS/CDR and CD reset to 15% AS/MS/CDR, CD reset, 15% ATK, and guaranteed crit
  • The buff machines in stage 1 Treasure Nest should now buff more reliably
  • Adjusted Treasure Nest 3rd boss 50% mech penalty so you can't just cheese past it
  • Attempt to fix Treasure Nest Jackal's hitbox pinning players against the ground
  • Treasure Nest Jackal's tracing blue orbs replaced by fixed patterns (until we can make them not break)
  • Treasure Nest Jackal's dashing lines mech HP thresholds and usability windows adjusted
  • Treasure Nest Jackal Boss grants the bonus buff after the dark room mechanic if at least one player survives
  • FPS improved in TN Jackal boss fight

[PvE] Class Balancing


The first two are technically bugfixes but they also change Saint's DPSing

Fixed an issue that caused Saint's [Awakened Holy Burst] to transfer damage (this does not fix the issue where casting HB + RR too close together causes the first one cast to lose hits/damage)
Fixed Saint's Relic Reaction causing Awakened Holy Burst to lose hits
Delay before Saint's Awakened Lightning Relic spawns its children relics significantly reduced (now its about half a second, instead of anywhere from 1-2s)


[Intense Pulse] consecutive casts no longer slightly moves you forward/sideways

[PvP] Class Balancing

Note: Lockout duration is the duration that a skill doesn't allow you to tumble, move, or use another skill (except for special cancels like feints and parries).


  • Wind Breaker: Increased lockout until 10 frames after the first hit.
  • Counterattack: Reduced iframe duration from 40 to 20 for grounded version. Changed SA to 200.
  • Grand Wave: made lockout match Impact Wave lv 1
  • Spanning Cleave might be updated in a future patch...

/\c70\Mystic Knight

  • Mystic Link: Decreased CD from 60 sec to 20 sec.
  • Bang Sword EX: Changed SAb from 200x3+100 to 100x2+200+100 (makes it like non-ex).

/\c71\Grand Master

  • Arrogance: Added to Lost Temple (BL) list
  • Wind Breaker EX: Increased lockout till 10 frames after the first hit. (Ego form should have the same lockout until the extra attack).
    Removed the 1% HP heal from the skill.
  • Elusive Shot: Made i-frame end at 36 frames.
  • Spanning Cleave might be updated in a future patch...


  • Halfmoon Slash: Increased lockout from frame 0 to 100.


  • Line Drive EX: Brought back the S cast shortened version. Made the S cast 3 main hits instead of 4.

/\c24\Lunar Knight

  • Halfmoon Slash EX: Increased lockout from frame 10 to 70.
  • Last projectile of MBD EX SAb changed from 600 + 200x2 to 200x3


  • Resentment: Phys Defense buff reduced from 15% to 5%.
  • Taunting Howl: CD nerfed from 25 sec to 30 sec.


  • Bone Cleave EX: Camera locked the 2nd hit. Made the sa 800.
  • Whirlwind EX: Buffed CD from 40 sec to 30 sec


  • Avenger’s Fury: Reduced cd from 40 sec to 25 sec.
    Reduced Fury gain from 10 to 1.
  • Soul Cutter: Increased SA to 400
  • Dark Anguish: Decreased CD from 50 sec to 40 sec.
  • Aerial Blade: Increased CD from 6 sec to 12 sec
  • Counterslash: Nerfed SA from 2000 to 200.
    Changed i-frame from ending at frame 30 to frame 20.
    Moved moveable block from frame 31 to frame 40.

/\c76\Dark Avenger

  • Dark Avenger: Removed i-frame from skill cast.
    Reduced air cast SAB from 400 to 200 (was 500 + 100, changed to 0 + 200 for Kris).
  • Removed [Nightmare] skill CDR passive during trans.
  • [Nightmare] Grave Slash: Reduced CD from 16 sec to 14 sec
  • [Nightmare] Dark Stinger: Reduced CD from 18 sec to 16 sec
  • [Nightmare] Piercing Crescent: Changed CTC to a max of 2.
    Reduced CD from 30 sec to 25 sec.
  • [Nightmare] Doom Blade: Increased CD from 40 sec to 45 sec
  • [Nightmare] Vengeance Storm: Increased projectile speed.
    Reduced CD from 40 sec to 35 sec.
  • [Nightmare] Cataclysm: Increased SA to 900
  • [Nightmare] Fatal Impact: Reduced CD from 40 sec to 35 sec


  • Piercing Shot: Increased the Action Speed of the skill by 20%.
    Increased SAB from 100 to 200.


  • Rain of Arrows: Lowered CD from 45 sec to 40 sec.
    Melee damage reversed back to full damage. Reversed Hit Coeffs from 30% + 70% to 70% + 30%.
  • Siege Stance: Lowered CD from 50 sec to 35 sec.


  • Rain of Arrows EX: Lowered CD from 45 sec to 40 sec.
    Melee damage reversed back to full damage. Reversed Hit Coeffs from 30% + 70% to 70% + 30%.
  • Siege Stance EX: Lowered CD from 50 sec to 35 sec.
  • Deathbloom: Lowered CD from 60 to 50 sec.


  • Extension Core (Frag Arrow EX): Lowered duration from 60 sec to 30 sec. Attempted in removing the slow down effect it has.


  • Eagle Dive: Lowered SA from 400 to 200.
  • Spiral Kick: Reduced i-frame duration by 10 frames.
  • Somersault Dance: Reduced i-frame duration by 30 frames.
    Reduced SAB from 125*2 + 375*8 per hit to 50 per hit.
  • Ring Shot: Lowered i-frame duration to have a 20 frame window before the hit that isn’t i-framed.
    SA increased from 100 to 200.


  • Somersault Dance EX: Reduced i-frame duration by 30 frames.
    Reduced SAB from 125 per hit to 50 per hit.


  • Spiral Kick EX: Reduced i-frame duration by 30 frames
  • Eagle Dive EX: Lowered SA from 400 to 200.
  • Cyclone Kick EX: Lowered stiffy values (paralocking values)


  • Spiral Bolt: Nerfed SAB on first hit from 400 to 200.
  • Wild Shot: Adjusted big arrow AOE to be a little smaller

/\c81\Silver Hunter

  • Swift Evasion: Removed i-frame from spacebar input
  • Silver Hunter: Removed i-frame from skill cast and lowered SA to 400
  • Silver Hunter A: Changed to give you 10% light attack for the first 5 seconds of transform instead of iframe.


  • Toxic Spray: Lowered stiffy values to see if it fixes annoying interactions with evasions (150 to 100)


  • Icy Shards: Increased action speed to match EX.
  • Icy Gust: Increased SAB from 50 x 5 to 60 x 5.
  • Flame Spark: Increased SAB from 100 + 100 to 300 + 100. (was 20 + 200, now 300 + 100)
  • Frozen Spikes: Increased SA from 200 to 400.


  • Fireball EX: Increased SA from 400 to 600.
    Increased SAB of the fully charged left click projectile from 400 to 600.
  • Firewall EX: Left click projectile SAB increased from 50 to 100 per hit. (last hit is still 200)

/\c36\Ice Witch

  • Frozen Spikes: Increased SA from 200 to 400.

/\c37\War Mage

  • Class Mastery: Removed the 15% INT increase.
  • Linear Ray EX: Removed the ability to skill cancel during charge up.


  • Wraith Form: Removed i-frame after first 15 frames.

/\c85\Black Mara

  • Black Mara: Removed i-frame from skill cast and lowered SA to 400


  • Armor Break: Moved tumble from frame 45 to frame 55.
  • Shin Breaker: DMG increased by 40%.


  • Divine Ascension EX: Cross Damage Increased by 150%
  • Stance of Faith EX: CD reduced from 45 to 35 sec.
  • Justice Crash EX: Doubled Damage of first hit and make it so that the damage on full cast isn’t split up between the hits. Fast cast damage remained the same as it currently is.


  • Sacred Hammering EX: Nerfed dmg by 50%
  • Judgmental Hammer/EX: Nerfed CD from 15 to 20 sec.


  • Vengeance Blast: Moveable block moved from 50 frames to 40 frames. Tumble frame from 30 to 40.
  • Holy Burst: Increased vertical hitbox to match animation. (doubled hitbox height)


  • Chain Lightning EX: Brought back CTC function (2 max)


  • Flaming Revenant: Nerfed SA from 1200 to 200.
    Moved the i-frame end from frame 40 to frame 20.

/\c83\Arch Heretic

  • Arch Heretic: Increased SAB from 200 to 400.
  • Cruel Slash/Transformed: Lockedout till the final hit.


  • Force Bump: Increased SA from 400 to 500


Ice Pump (Mech Mode): Changed to be fully locked out till 20 frames after the final hit.
Lowered vertical hitbox so it's jumpable.
Lowered sa to 600.
Lowered speed so it does it's regular animation with the AS plate instead of being instant.

/\c48\Gear Master

  • Gatling Gun (enhanced): Locked out for 40 frames


  • Arctic Squish: Duration increased from 7.5 to 14 sec


  • Lovesick: CD nerfed from 19 to 26 seconds.
    Decreased debuff duration from 6 sec to 3 sec.
    Increased DMG by 25%.
    Removed from the Lost Temple (BL) list.
  • Toxic Twirl EX: SA increased from 200 to 300


  • Quicks: Nerfed iframe to frame 30.

/\c87\Ray Mechanic

  • Ray Mechanic: Increased passive SA from 400 to 600 while transformed.


  • Feather Step: Increased skill cancel frame from 10 to 25 frames


  • Sacrifice: Nerfed dmg buff from 30% to 15%.

/\c55\Dark Summoner

  • Class Mastery: Lowered the amount of bubbles necessary to use Phantom Claw Advent to 10.
    Made bubble generation 100%.
    Made it so skills only give 1 bubble max when they hit not per hit.
    Added Blitz Claw and Phantom Rage to the list of skills that generate bubbles.
  • Phantom Claw Advent: Changed the hit type from light impact to stagger


  • Chakram Storm: Increased lockout from frame 30 to frame 60.
  • General Dawn Blade: Nerfed DMG by 30%

/\c58\Blade Dancer

  • Whirligig EX: Increased lockout from frame 40 to frame 57.
  • Chakram Storm EX: Increased lockout from frame 30 to frame 90.
    Removed the 30% DMG increase.
  • Gust Dementia / EX: Added lockout to Gust Dementia Loop action.


  • Counter Espada: Reduced i-frame from frame 40 to frame 20.
    Reduced SA from 600 to 200.

/\c89\Oracle Elder

  • Oracle Elder: Removed i-frame from skill cast


  • Frigid Shards: Increased DMG by 50%
  • Storm’s Center: Turned into a Party Buff: 5% Ele 5% FD for 30 sec.
    Reduced CD from 60 sec to 45 sec.


  • Class Mastery: Increased Phys DMG from 1% to 10%.
  • Rime Blades EX: Increased Knock Up height for ease of comboing.
  • Avalanche: Increase CD from 19 to 23 sec.
    Increased the SAB of the first hit 100 to 500.


  • Class Mastery: Increased Phys DMG from 1% to 10%.
  • Roaring Thunder EX: Added a lift to the final explosion hit.


  • Death Web: Lowered stiffy values from 200 to 100.
  • Phantom Drive: Added skill lock to right before the dash.
    Removed i-frame during slash hitbox.
  • Bloody Sign: Reduced SA from 400 to 200.
    Reduced mark duration from 60 to 20 sec.

/\c91\Blood Phantom

  • Cruel Phantom Drive: Removed i-frame during slash hitbox.
  • Cruel Madness: Reduced SA from 400 to 200
  • Cruel Soulbreaker: Reduced Air Cast SA from 500 to 400.
  • Enhanced Bloody Sign A: Reduced Ele debuff duration from 30 to 15 sec.
  • Enhanced Bloody Sign B: Reduced Crit debuff duration from 30 to 15 sec.
  • Enhanced Bleed Phantom A: Reduced Attribute power gain from 10 to 5%.
  • Enhanced Bleed Phantom B: Changed to making transformation cost no HP


  • Flee: Increased CD from 20 to 30 sec.
  • Slice: Tumble moved from frame 0 to 28.
  • Flash Lift: Moved can tumble from frame 0 to frame 29.
  • Criss Cross Cut: moved can tumble from frame 0 to frame 42.


  • Spear Reflect: Lowered i-frame from frame 30 to frame 20.
    Adjusted SA from 10000 to 200.
  • Twirl Trance: Increased cantumble from frame 0 to frame 140.
  • Piercing Spike: Removed i-frame from aerial cast.
  • Twirling Chop: Adjusted AOE to better match the animation.
    Lowered SAB from 200 x 5 + 400 to 120 x 5 + 600.
    Removed upwards momentum from the light impact hits on standing characters.
    Increased lockout till frame 90.


  • Twirling Thrust EX: Removed regular skill canceling from ending action


  • Twirl Trance EX: Increased cantumble from frame 0 to frame 140.
  • Piercing Spike EX: Removed i-frame from aerial cast.


  • Extreme Twister: Increased lockout till the final hit
  • Brandish: Moved can tumble frame from 0 to 40.
  • Blunt Slash: Moved can tumble from frame 0 to frame 30.
  • Frosty Cross: Lockout increased from frame 0 to frame 38.
  • Gale Stab: Lockout increased from frame 0 to frame 40.
  • Splitter: Increased tumbleable block from frame 0 to frame 50.
  • Lava Raid: Increased lockout from frame 65 to frame 102.


  • Extreme Twister EX: Increased lockout till the final hit
  • Gale Stab EX: Lockout increased from frame 0 to frame 40.
  • Frosty Cross Awakening: Removed the slow debuff from here wtf?


  • Lava Raid EX:Increased lockout from frame 65 to frame 102.


  • Subconscious: Increased lockout till after the last hit is finished.
  • Dissembler: Increased lockout till after the stab. If you input the lift u cant tumble again till after the slam is finished.
  • Dissembler [Thorns]:  Increased lockout till after the stab. If you input the lift u cant tumble again till after the slam is finished.
  • Infection: Increased lockout till 15 frames after the hit comes out on.
  • Infection [Thorns]: Increased lockout till 15 frames after the final hit comes out on.
  • Manic/both thorn versions: Increased lockout till the multihit orb appears.
  • Injury: Increased Lockout till final hit.
    Reduced SA from 300 to 200.
  • Injury Combo: Changed from a Knock Down to a Stagger.
    Increased SA from 20 to 200.
  • Lonely Cloud: Increased the lift height of the final hit.
  • Flow Down: Removed i-frame after the first 15 frames.
  • Projection: Reduced CD from 90 to 40 sec.
    Reduced Dark DMG % from 20 to 10.
    Increased duration from 10 to 15 sec.

/\c99\Vena Plaga

  • Subconscious [Trans]: Increased lockout till after the last hit is finished.
  • Vena Plaga: Removed i-frame from skill cast and lower SA to 400
  • Defiance A: Changed from Reduce DMG received by 10% to Increase Phys DMG by 5%.
  • Defiance B: Reduced HP gain from 10 to 5%.


  • Tumble: Moved the can move block down to match other classes like cleric
  • Charging Gear: DMG nerfed by half(especially for Blaster)


  • Pneumatic Reflex: Nerfed SA from 2000 to 200.
    Nerfed iframe from frame 53 to frame 20.
    Moved the canmove block to frame 40.


  • Pressure Burst EX: Removed i-frame. SA should be 800.


  • Shoulder Crash: SAB lowered from 800 to 400.
  • Laser Piercer: Increased lockout till last hit finishes.
  • L-Action: Increased lockout till 10 frames after the sweep hit.
  • L-Combo: Increased lockout till the end of the second hit.
  • L-Buster: Increased lockout till the last hit.
  • Set Position: Nerfed SA from 1200 to 200.
  • Flood Trick: Increased lockout till the last hit finishes.
  • Carnival Rush: Increased lockout till the last hit finishes.


  • L-Action EX: Increased lockout till 10 frames after the sweep hit.
  • L-Combo EX: Increased lockout till the end of the second hit.
  • L-Buster EX: Increased lockout till the last hit.


  • Laser Piercer EX: Increased lockout till last hit finishes.
  • Flood Trick EX: Increased lockout till the last hit finishes. Right click action locked out as well.
  • Carnival Rush EX: Increased lockout till the last hit finishes.


  • Tactical Step: Increased CD from 20 to 30 sec
  • Low Slicer: Increased Lockout till hit ends.
  • Double Slash: Increased Lockout till first slice ends.
  • Ice Bolt: Increased Lockout till the projectile fires.
  • Picking: Moved cantumble block from frame 0 to frame where hit finishes being active.

/\c100\Treasure Hunter

  • Outlink: Removed ability to tumble between frames 50 to 130
  • Split Fire: Increased Lockout till the moment where all the projectiles show up on the animation.
  • Arrow Sword: Moved cantumble block to match canmove block
  • Pale Burst: Moved cantumble block to right after the first hit ends.


  • Arrow Sword EX: Moved cantumble block to match canmove block
  • Pale Burst EX: Moved cantumble block to right after the first hit ends.
  • Ripple EX: Moved cantumble block to match the canmove block.
  • Flush EX: Made lockout match non ex
  • Phase Blade: Made the full animation be 600 SA and not refresh SA.


  • Outlink EX: Removed ability to tumble between frames 50 to 130
  • Split Fire EX: Increased Lockout till the moment where all the projectiles show up on the animation.

Cash Shop

Added the Brilliant/Ravishing/Winter Wedding sets for Warrior, Archer, Sorceress, Cleric, Tinkerer, Kali, Assassin, Lencea, and Machina (Vandar already has their set added)

  • Elite Technician Package can now be purchased by tinkerers (not just Ray Mechanics)
  • Sacred Silver light package and costume pieces can now be purchased by archers (not just Silver Hunters)
  • Light Rises From The Darkness package can now be purchased by kalis (not just Oracle Elders)
  • Concentrated Magic Package can now be purchased by sorceresses (not just Black maras)


  • BTG DPS meter chat message now shows whether or not you're in Equalized BTG
  • Photo mode and regular PRNSCRN screenshots now use the same screenshot notification; notification now only shows the name of the file (you can click on it to open the screenshot folder with that screenshot selected, as before)
  • Warden's Shard stacks now display on boss-tier enemies
  • Improved initial game startup loading times by 10-60% (depending on where your bottleneck is)
  • Added a setting (ESC > Settings > Interface > Energy Bar > Show border around energy bar) to show a dark border around rectangular energy bars (energy bars with designs are not supported yet)
  • Removed exclusive fullscreen setting, game will run in borderless winodwed at full resolution instead (this eliminates several game crashes related to exclusive fullscreen)
  • Raid party join dialog now shows which class buffs are present, missing, or provided by you in the party
  • Party buff information is displayed below the party window (we may put other party-comp related info there as well later)

Bug Fixes

  • Attempt to fix Mechanic's Core Drop fizzling out in PVP
  • Fixed Warden's [Swift Shot] (non-core) using the wrong shard debuff icon
  • Fixed big hit tracker for Warden's Shard Detonation not showing up
  • Fixed an issue for certain people being unable to hold down spacebar for the entirety of Grandmaster's Elusive shot
  • Fixed Destroyer's [Awakened Maelstrom Howl]'s description having incorrect numbers
  • Fixed DPS meter not working correctly on Treasure Nest Jackal boss (only affected clientside, server/website record the correct data)
  • Fixed several client-side behaviors on Treasure Nest Jackal boss
  • Fixed several client crash-causing bugs (and somehow probably introduced a few new ones, but so long as its a net negative!)