
Hey everyone, long time Duck Nest PvP player Zifeer here. I'm known for being a Lunar Knight or Paladin main but I have experience with all Warriors and Clerics. I hope this guide helps out. Feel free to ask around for me for PvP advice or a quick match. Good luck on Destro!

These PvP guides are meant to be bite-sized and basic. If you want to add to them please feel free to dm @snot#7451 on discord. Remember that PvP builds are customizable to your preferences. Experiment!

Skill Build

Skill Crests

[Side Kick Action Speed] / [Dash Uppercut DMG] / [Soccer Kick Combo], [Roll Attack DMG] / [Bombs Away DMG] / [Circle Swing CD] / [Crisis Howl CD]

Skill up: +1 Bombs Away

Combo Practice